Linn Academy is an annual online seller event that has seen exponential growth since 2013, hosted by Multi Channel Inventory Management Software, Linnworks.
This years event was hosted at the Vox Conference Centre in Birmingham, a great venue with a fantastic view overseeing the Pendigo Lake. It saw over 600 attendees, including big names such as eBay, ASOS, Amazon and Paypal who came to share their expertise and insight of what lies ahead for the eCommerce world.
John Lawson, CEO of ColderICE Media kicked things off highlighting what we can expect from the future of eCommerce regarding AI, VR and AR and other robotic mechanics that are already taking the eCommerce world by storm and this set the tone for the rest of the speakers.
In addition this year saw, SR Mailing partake in being one of the sponsors of the event. The team of four on the day set up a well organised bright green exhibitor stand placed right at the entrance of the venue.
During the breaks in-between speakers, we interacted and engaged with many visitors, with the chance for them to explore the wide range of packaging products SR Mailing supply. It was great to meet many new people with different backgrounds, but also our customers who have been shopping with us for several years.
Since the event, we have generated various leads and still following up on them today. It was a fantastic event that Linnworks organised, and we hope to be apart of it again the following year.
For those we didn’t get to meet, feel free to browse our website or product brochure and get to know what SR Mailing are all about.
For any enquiries, please give us a call on 0161 839 2542 or email
Best Regards,
SR Mailing